Monday, June 14, 2010


It froze over last night. I woke up with my warm breath fogging the ice cold air and my nose bright cherry red, poking over the sheets. Frost is so pretty, isn't it? Its almost as everything is wearing a glittery party dress - everything sparkles! It seems that beautiful things can be rather dangerous, as a combination of the slippery steps and the lack of grip on my ankle boots resulted in me falling flat on my back. I will have to be more careful tomorrow!

A few nights ago I watched Titanic, one of my favourite films ever, for the first time in 5 years. I sobbed and sobbed. My throat stung, my cheeks burnt, my heart was as cold as Atlantic ice. I hadn't cried so hard in a very long time... it shattered me into a million pieces. But the shards were pieced back together so much more painlessly and quickly than before. It really was a wonderful feeling... just feeling.

i have a slight obsession with ‘Titanic’ at the moment - and Leo DiCaprio

Monday, June 7, 2010


Today is a marvelous day for sitting inside by the fire, winter is here and the time has come to eat chocolate biscuits and drink tea.
I have been knitting, very slowly of course - a scarf - foolishly made from very fine, 4 ply, bright red wool. Its coming along but with the wool being so little - its taking such a long time. I can't wait to be able to knit jumpers for myself... I want to make a black and white one with little hearts on it. Today I bought a remote for my digital camera - I am totally fed up with having to put it on self timer and then scramble about and usually muck up the shot... it should be very useful, hopefully!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some of the prints I made yesterday. Aren't darkrooms quite spooky places though - you are all alone in the dark, doors locked, taps dripping... oh I find it quite scary, but ever so enchanting at the same time! Anyhow its nearly lunchtime, and I am still in my jim jams, so I must go and get changed and tidy my little room and then perhaps watch 'I Capture the Castle' with a cup of tea.
A x

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tap Tap Swing Jive

Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
A secret wish, since I was a tiny girl, was to be a singer... however I was gifted with neither the voice nor the confidence to fulfill this rather idealistic dream!

Adding to my list of virtues - two left feet... oh the cruelty! I can quite happily bop about at a disco, but when it comes to learning routines and moves... my, it quite goes out the window - dignity and all! Recently though, I have been going to dancing classes at University, learning Jive and Salsa (!) Its not quite as bad as I thought - I might even admit that i am enjoying clomping my way through basic moves. The next G. R. though...? Perhaps not!

(More wishes) ; that I was a slender and graceful ballet dancer, that I could do gymnastics, that I could sing beautifully, that I could play harp and drums. That's all at the moment.

p.s developed a roll of film today all by myself - going in earlier tomorrow to make prints! A day is always so much lovelier if you have something to look forward to, don't you think?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


There is just something so darn lovely about film. Its funny how the blurs, the scratches... all make it so imperfect, yet somehow more perfect than digital could ever be... Wow. And the anticipation, taking time to make your picture, watching it appear in the developing fluid... its so much more special than just connecting a cord to a computer, isn't it!?
Tonight I am going out to a mid week dance party with friends. Before that I shall need to write my diary and also write my job application! Bye bye