I took this picture after seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One: I think that my shirt has ended up looking like a wizard sleeve. I thought I might talk a little about the film, as I do like to talk about anything Harry Potter.
These books mean the world to me... I have grown up with the series since I was a little girl. When I was young I used to dress up in robes and go out in the garden and mix up petal spells in saucepans and mutter extremely cutting remarks at the nasty old professor Snape. I can still recall waiting for the new book to come out, my parents bringing it home for me, and staying up all night, reading until my eyes slid shut...
I have always been horribly mean to the films, I have only just begun to fully accept that film is indeed a different media than prose - and they cannot film every single page as is in the novels. Some of the earlier movies have been frightful in my opinion, (I shall never forgive the failure of the Harry and Ginny relationship, nor Michael Gambon as a gruff, hippie Dumbledore), however, to my surprise, I absolutely adored DH 1. The acting of Emma, Daniel and Rupert seemed to suddenly become, well totally breathtaking... Emma's screaming during the torture scene was spine chilling and my favourite character Ron was certainly done justice.
I sobbed, I screamed in fright (Snake attack!), my heart ached. Its nearly at an end.