Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hair hair

Being a student of little income, I thought it would be especially clever, save money, and give my fringe a trimming. It was getting in my eyes, which is jolly annoying and after all, how hard can it be to cut in a straight line? 

5 minutes later, I had managed to hack off half of it in the most unsymmetrical way imaginable, and decided to stop before making it any worse. Fortunately, my lovely hairdresser and her sharp scissors managed to salvage the ruins and now, even though it is a lot shorter than before, it looks quite snazzy, do you think, maybe a little more interesting? My hair is rather dull, its been in the same 'long with a fringe' style for years now, and although I used to get blonde highlights in my high school days I have let it grow back to its dark blonde/light brown mousy colour. Mama always says "People pay lots to get hair that colour" - but I don't quite believe it. There are so many more beautiful colours: white blonde, black, dark brown, and red - oh I have always had a leaning towards red hair, heightened significantly after being introduced to the character of Anne Shirley. The last month has had me thinking of dying my hair a rich auburn brown/red, but I just know it won't turn out the way I hope it too, and to be honest, I don't think I am quite brave enough to make such change! When I look at these pictures though, its almost enough to convince me, sigh!  


 A. x

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lighthouse Girl

 A few of the pictures from my frosty morning photoshoot on the farm with Ella. Always so scratched and dusty, I don't know why?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today I wore

Today I wore my dark purple velvet jeans,  a top I sewed from one of mama's old 90's floral dresses, a marino skivvy because its oh so freezing and my burgundy jumper. My hair went super frizzy after taking it out from its topknot. Dad gave me a pair of earrings that he didn't want (he is a jeweller) They are silver snail shells and I think they are perfect.

Some lazy, photobooth outfit shots - silly poses in the bottom set - my hair has grown lots since then! x

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Leonardo House

A long time ago, Rosie and I ventured out into the hills, she wore her grandmothers wedding dress. We visited an amazing, huge old abandoned mansion in the bay, that belonged to my great-great-grandparents long-ago. It was a lovely day. Here are some of the collection of film photographs that I have been slowly printing over the years. 

Today I did a huge clean-out, DIY session in my darkroom, and finally I have all the equipment I need to start experimenting here in the comfort of my own little home-village. Its located in a laundry out the back of an old historic cottage and I was skittish and terrified much of the time I was there because 1) The cottage was cold and empty and old & its probably haunted 2) I am a scaredy cat when I am by myself and 3) There were mannequins staring at me from a window, and mannequins are just undeniably creepy. But now I am home by my warm open fire and I am not scared anymore. 

Tomorrow I am going to make some prints from a film I developed today - they don't look particularly promising, but never mind: I am going to stay at my darling friends house this weekend who I have persuaded to model for me so I should have some new shots to play with soon. 

A. x